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When Chaos Reigns: Clinging to Hope as Haiti Teeters on the Edge of Catastrophe

Efanor Nore has lived his entire life in Port-au-Prince, Haiti, but never imagined his city would dissolve into the violence that currently reigns over the streets there. Hear how he clings to hope amidst the chaos.

September 21st, 2022 30:06 Season 3 Episode 4 Read Transcript

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Show Notes

You can hear the weariness in Efanor Nore’s voice as he talks about the violent gangs that control the streets and neighborhoods of Port-au-Prince, Haiti. But there’s also a calmness in his voice. Hear how he remains unafraid and even hopeful as his beloved country dissolves into utter chaos. When the storms of life hit hard, we can learn from those, like Efanor, who keep their eyes on the One who remains in control.

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